Netflix has snagged the Wachowski duo for the original series "Sense8," billed as "a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted." The techno-thriller debuts exclusively on Netflix in "late 2014." It tells of a group of psychically linked people who are being hunted by the powers that be. The Wachowskis, famed for "The Matrix" … [Read more...]
Bad video streams costly
Six out of 10 videos streams suffer from some sort of glitch, primarily slowness, delays and poor picture quality, according to a new report. That's probably no big surprise to regular users of streaming video, but content providers are getting a wake-up call: The quality-control issue cost more than $2 billion in lost viewer time last year, … [Read more...]
Netflix ‘Following’ WB
"The Following" and seven other Warner Bros. television shows from the 2012-13 season are on their way to Netflix under an exclusive streaming video deal. Fox's heavily promoted "The Following" (pictured) is a Kevin Bacon serial killer series that premieres this month. The apocalyptic survivalist hit "Revolution" from J.J. Abrams (NBC) also will … [Read more...]
A&E, Amazon get real
Amazon Instant Video and A&E have uploaded a content licensing deal that brings to the streaming service reality series from the A&E, Bio, History and Lifetime channels. The pact includes prior seasons of the reality shows "Pawn Stars" (History) "Storage Wars" (A&E) and "Dance Moms" (Lifetime). Content chief Brad Beale said that in a year … [Read more...]
Kilar’s run over at Hulu
Too hip for the room, Hulu chief Jason Kilar is headed out the door. "I've been so fortunate to play a role in this amazing, ongoing journey," Kilar wrote in confirming his exit. Hulu is owned by traditional media powers the Walt Disney Company, Comcast and the News Corporation (ABC, NBC, Fox), none of whom apparently will be sorry to see the … [Read more...]
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